Changes to the management and assignment of Domain Names. How much will the suffixes .gr or .el cost?
Through the new Regulation, EETT determines the rules for the assignment and management of the new Registry of Domain Names ending in .el as well as the pricing policy for billable operations concerning Domain Names ending in .el.
The assignment of Domain Names ending in .el will take place in two stages, where the first stage will last three months. During the first stage, Domain Names ending in .el will be assigned based on specific restrictions.
At the same time, EETT is amending the domain names ending in .gr, where the variable field consists of two characters. The fee for assigning or renewing two-character domain names paid by Registrants to EETT is reduced from five hundred (€500) euros to three hundred (€300) euros.
Also, an annual fee of one hundred euros (€100) will be imposed on all registrants. This fee will be automatically entered into the Registry's prepayment system on January 20 of each year. The Regulation has been published in the Government Gazette, while the launch of the Registry of Domain Names ending in .el will be determined by a later Decision of the President of EETT.
Source: insomnia